Monday, March 7, 2016

Summit Parkway's Open-Mic Night at Books-A-Million on Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

On Friday, February 26, 2016 we hosted an Open Mic Night in the Books-A-Million cafe.  We had 44 entries, and a full house at BAM!  Students shared a poem that they created.  This was their own work.  In most cases, the works were in response to a Poetry Unit led by their ELA teachers in the classrooms. Students had one of the greatest opportunities to practice the college and career readiness skill of public speaking, as we had a full house to share with.  We were so pleased with their development of this 21st Century Skill!  
The creators of the top three poems will be presented with prize packs at the end of today.
Winning Pieces are by:

* a duo by Andrew Polson and Isaiah Morant
* Duane Morse
* Emanuel Raglin

 Thank you to all teachers and staff who were able to come out and support these students.  

For more pictures:

Isaiah Morant & Andrew Polson

Duane Morse

 Emanuel Raglin

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