Monday, June 2, 2014

8th Grade Graduation Guidelines

8th Grade Graduation Guidelines
Thursday, June 5
8:15 a.m.
Summit Parkway Gym
  1. Students must pass all yearly academic and co-curricular classes (first and second semester) to participate in graduation.
  2. Students must pay all fees and debts prior to May 30 to participate in graduation.
  3. Students must dress according to Richland School District Two dress code policy which can be found online.  Since this is an  important occasion, students are asked to wear their “Sunday Best”.  T-shirts, sneakers, shorts, strapless dresses, or dresses not meeting District Dress Code length and/or flip-flops will not be worn.  No transparent/see through attire for this ceremony.  Contact Mrs. Calvernetta W. Brown or Mr. David Symonds if you have a question about your son’s or daughter’s attire for graduation.
  4. Students from other schools will not be admitted
    to graduation unless accompanied by an adult.  This is still a school day for students in Richland School District Two.  
  5. Parents of sixth or seventh grade students wishing to attend graduation must sign-out their son/daughter in the front office area and take them to graduation.